In Game Name (IGN):
First Name:
Country you are currently residing in and Timezone:
Are you able to speak, read, and write fluently in any other language besides English? If yes, list them:
Number of hours per day you would be able commit:
Number of hours per vacation day you would be able to commit:
Name one thing you believe CandyMS can improve on:
Why do you want to be a GM:
Are you able to follow specific rules and directions well:
What do you think qualifies you to be a GM:
What do you think is the most important responsibility of a GM?:
What qualities and skills could you offer that others could not?:
Do you have any previous GM experience on other MapleStory private servers? If yes, provide the name of the other server(s) and the IGN of your GM character(s) you had in the other server(s):
What was your reason for leaving your previous server(s) that you were a GM of?:
Which aspects of CandyMS do you enjoy most?
How would you describe yourself, briefly?
If selected, what kind of GM would you strive to be?
Any other relevant information that you believe will add to your application:
Email and/or MSN: